hey readers :D
geo was not bad at all, i missed miss ediani :s she used to be my geo teacher when im in lower secondary. and yes! she did know me very well, like 'si fadilah yakub ni' hahaha. okay, my class was okay, with sir hazimin from 'SMSSA'. z, i knew what you feel, lalala. z, you left me alone bah with like 'idk anyone in the class'! haha. makesure you can come the next lesson, okay? (:
anw, pleasee, anyone? tell me how exactly to kill loneliness? i kept on arguing with my own feeling.
'dye! you need to have a boyfriend instead?'
'i think, i dont need a boy in my life! :D'
'dont cross your heart dye! you did need one?'
'no (: im not ready to take a good care of someone heart have to sacrifice my own life, im too young!'
'youre 18?'
'well im just 12 inside actually'
well i know sure that my heart had lend to someone and still, but i must get rid from that feeling and face the reality, its some kind of useless anw, and the important things that, we're friend now, i mean a good friend (: and i dont wanna ruin that.
this article did attract me about 10 positive points of life.
The most selfish one letter 'I' - avoid it!
Satisfactory two letters 'WE' - use it!
Most poisonous three letters 'EGO' - kill it!
Most used four letters 'LOVE' - value it!
Most pleasing five letters 'SMILE' - keep it!
Fastest spreading six letters 'RUMOUR' - ignore it!
Hardworking seven letters 'SUCCESS' - achieve it!
Most enviable eight letters 'JEALOUSY' - distance it!
Most powerful nine letters 'KNOWLEDGE' - acquire it!
Most divine ten letters 'FRIENDSHIP' - maintain it!
dye yakub f.
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